Maintenance and Property Meld

Why Property Meld?

Property Meld is our cloud-based, maintenance request platform. It is a well thought out and robust tool. Property Meld allows owners, tenants, property managers and vendors to communicate in a synchronous manner using a chat feature. Additionally, Property Meld allows us, the property manager, to track completion times, call backs and costs. Tenants can chat with us; the vendor and they can submit photos of the item requiring maintenance. The Property Meld platform allows us to acquire additional information and often allows us to hack a problem for a tenant and avoid a service call for our owners.

Except for emergencies we require that our tenants submit maintenance requests through the Property Meld platform. Failure to do so slows the process down. Inevitably, if a tenant refuses to use the Property Meld platform, requests will get lost in the tsunami of daily emails, telephone calls and text messages. To assist tenant customers who might not be technically savvy, a tenant may phone into our office Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm and ask a member of our staff to generate a Property Meld on their behalf.

Property Meld should be used for all routine tenant requests for property care and maintenance, emergencies are excluded. An emergency is an event that poses an immediate threat to life, property integrity, health, safety, and well-being.  Here are some examples of emergencies which require a telephone call to our office. Leaking water that cannot be controlled by turning a valve off- such as a catastrophic roof leak or a burst pipe. A tornado, which rips the roof off the house. A gas leak or a fire.  Any event which causes significant impact to the integrity of the housing structure.

Property Meld allows us to efficiently track open requests and we endeavor to close requests in a reasonable amount of time but only after we’re satisfied that the requested repair is complete.  All tenants and owners have access to Property Meld through their email account on file with us. If in doubt a tenant should use Property Meld rather than rely on email, text, or telephone.

If we ask a tenant for additional information and we don’t receive a response in three days, we will close the Property Meld and ask the tenant to resubmit if the problem reoccurs or is on-going.

MLSullivan Property Management is a professional property management company based in Durham, NC. We serve Durham County, Wake County, Orange County, Chatham County, and eastern parts of Alamance County, North Carolina. We offer a variety of property management solutions tailored to fit owner’s needs.