From The Blog

Education, News, and Listings from your top rated North Carolina Property Management Company.

A deal, a deal, a deal…

Great deals in Five Oaks.

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For Rent: 4BR/3+1BA Single Family House in Raleigh, NC, $1,650/month

For Rent: 4BR/3+1BA Single Family House in Raleigh, NC, $1,650/month.

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For Rent: 4BR/1BA Single Family House in Durham, NC, $850/month

For Rent: 4BR/1BA Single Family House in Durham, NC, $850/month.

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2012 Outlook

Let’s face it, now is a terrific time to buy a home. There are however a number of factors which make the act of buying difficult.

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For Rent: 4BR/2+1BA Townhouse in Durham, NC, $1,325/month

For Rent: 4BR/2+1BA Townhouse in Durham, NC, $1,325/month.

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For Rent: 2BR/2+1BA Townhouse in Durham, NC, $1,050/month

For Rent: 2BR/2+1BA Townhouse in Durham, NC, $1,050/month.

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For Rent: 3BR/2+1BA Townhouse in Durham, NC, $1,100/month

For Rent: 3BR/2+1BA Townhouse in Durham, NC, $1,100/month.

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For Rent: 4BR/2+1BA Single Family House in Durham, NC, $1,290/month

For Rent: 4BR/2+1BA Single Family House in Durham, NC, $1,290/month.

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Austerity at home and…at home

Looking at a broader scope; the US must eliminate deficit spending and a staggering debt; the debt deal reached didn’t go far enough, instead of cutting 2 trillion, Standard and Pores really wanted to see numbers approaching 4 trillion dollars in cuts

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