Although home sales declined…the market looks good?

The Herald-Sun and Tulia are, in my opinion attempting to put a shinny gloss on the Durham/Raleigh real estate market.  I am not convinced that this is the case.

This piggy backs with my posting from yesterday… not.  What Trulia and Rick Sharga miss is the fact that our market does not exist in a world on its own.  Granted Durham/Raleigh is weathering the storm better than the nation, which should NOT be painted as a rosy real estate picture, but rather should underscore how terrible the real estate market is right now in the United States .

The Herald-Sun – 2011 looks good for Triangle housing.

Trulia’s data I believe is skewed too, they are nearly 3% off of the National Association of Realtors with respect to closed home prices for Q3, 2010; this should cause one to pause and consider how easy it is for statisticians to cook the books and manipulate data.  Similarly, since Trulia relies on automated data feeds, I am indeed skeptical of their numbers.